Welcome to the Anfrinit SOUL TEAM, a place to gather, expand and share the Crystal Clear Consciousness.
The time has come to introduce the extraordinary souls who have journeyed with Anfrinit for years, anchoring their divine essence and embodying their higher selves. Through this profound work, they have aligned with the pure light of Anfrinit and are now ready to share this transformative energy through their unique, divine service.
When you begin your journey with Anfrinit, she will guide and assist you across all planes of existence—elevating your field, clearing blockages, and supporting your ascension to the clearest, purest, and most expansive version of yourself.
I am happy to share with you these beautiful souls and if you feel you can contact to them.
Anfrinit Soul Team
Emily Victoria Waters
Ascension Sounds & Spiritual Guidance Facilitator
My name is Emily Victoria Waters. I grew up in the U.K. countryside before moving to Mallorca, Spain, at age 8. From a young age, I had a deep connection with the spirit world—seeing, hearing, and channeling messages, as well as receiving visions and intuitive insights. Without proper guidance, these experiences became overwhelming, especially after the loss of my parents as a teenager. Fearful and unsure of how to control it, I suppressed my abilities and pursued a “normal” life.
Through traveling and seeking personal growth, I began realigning with myself energetically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I discovered that everything I was seeking externally was already within me, and my outer reality was a reflection of my inner state.
Sound Healing, Guidance Sessions & Conscious Movement
This process expands awareness, balances your being, and deepens presence, reconnecting you to your true self. It fosters a sense of belonging, equilibrium, and leads to liberation, forgiveness, connection, oneness, creativity, compassion, unconditional love, purpose, and peace.
I will guide you through this journey to embody your true self—cultivating peace, trust, confidence, and stability—empowering you to align with your heart’s desires and create your dream life from within.
1. Online 1-1 session 1h
2. Guided Group sessions
3. Courses
IG @ascensionsounds
TikTok ascensionsounds
Pedro Fernández
Después de haber transitado mi proceso de expandir la consciencia de la mano de Anfrinit, durante uno de los retiros, comenzó a manifestarse en mí una emanación espiritual, una luz dorada con conciencia divina.
A partir de ese momento, al canalizar esta energía, comenzó a gestarse un proyecto que llamé Ocio Sentido.
El propósito de Ocio Sentido es redescubrir el verdadero significado de nuestro tiempo libre, transformando cada experiencia en una oportunidad para vivir con más conciencia.
Buscamos dar "sentido" al ocio, convirtiéndolo en un espacio para el despertar interior y la conexión profunda.
Hoy, tras más de 20 años dedicados al deporte, la naturaleza y el bienestar, agradezco haber encontrado una nueva vibración que lo transformó todo. Ocio Sentido es más que un proyecto, es una invitación a vivir con plenitud y propósito.
Sitio web: www.ociosentido.com
Mail: contacto@ociosentido.com
Móvil: +34 629342609
IG: @ocio_sentido
Nallely Sánchez
Mystical Creator
Design is merely the prelude to creation—a timeless, infinite expression of perfection, a unique code of beauty that already exists within you, within me, within everything...
I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to accompany Anfrinit in revealing her visual expression in this physical realm. After more than 20 years dedicated to the art of design, this journey with Anfrinit has revealed my true service: to be a channel for Source frequencies and gently anchor them to the Earth. It is not just a design—it’s an intimate bond, the bridge between the subtle and the matter.
I help align the highest frequency of a project, anchor it into this material field through pure codes of light, color and form and shield them with the love force that I feel for Mother Earth.
I feel profound gratitude to be part of this team and to share this space with souls I deeply admire. Thank you, Anfrinit, for making this dream a reality.
Emese Ollari
My name is Emi. While I was born in Hungary, I have spent the past 23 years living abroad.
Since 2017, I embraced the lifestyle of a digital nomad, combining work and travel.
Initially, I ventured into the realm of education as an English teacher, but eventually delved into the art of website creation. I find this creative profession quite fulfilling.
The purpose of this platform is to assist people in discovering opportunities to generate income online, as well as facilitate the online sale of their existing services and products.
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